TSC Sub-County Directors Will Get Cars To Make Their Job Easier While They’re on Duty.

TSC Sub-County Directors Will Get Cars To Make Their Job Easier While They’re on Duty.

Vehicles that will make it easier for TSC Sub-County Directors to move around while performing their official duties will be provided. Boniface Okumu, a spokesperson of TSC CEO Dr. Nancy Macharia, has made this plain.

The country’s sub-counties will receive 160 cars from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), which would facilitate the travel of Sub-County Directors when they are on official business and enhance service delivery.

This was stated by Boniface Okumu, one of the facilitators from the Directorate of Administration, during the three-day workshop for Sub-county Directors in Naivasha.

The Teachers Service Commission was also reported to have written to the National Treasury requesting approval of a budget to purchase 160 automobiles, which would be distributed among all Sub-counties to facilitate the travel of its representative in the area while doing official duties.

Lentojoini, the acting director of staffing for the Teachers Service Commission, congratulated the Sub-County Directors for their excellent job throughout the training and requested them to be patient as they resolved the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) concerns.

Motor Vehicles To Be Given To TSC Sub-County Directors

The Commission’s Director of Legal, Labor, and Industrial Relations, Calvin Anyuor, encouraged the Sub-county Directors to seek for promotions, stating that there are now more options for Sub-County Directors to advance due to the TSC secretariat staff’s Career Progression Guidelines.

One of the new areas included in the guidelines is that, instead of the Sub-county Human Resource Officers (HROs) now deputizing the Sub-county Directors, a Teacher Management Officer (TMO) will do so going forward.

The deployment of TMOs on the same rungs as Sub-County Directors has caused confusion in the TSC hierarchy.

394 Sub-County Directors attended the training, which ran from April 18 to April 20, 2024. Its main goal was to teach field officers how to effectively carry out the TSC mandate as required by the constitution.

To make it easier for its Sub-County Directors to go throughout the area while carrying out their official duties, the Ministry of Education recently gave cars to everyone of them nationwide.

TSC Sub-County Directors Will Get Cars To Make Their Job Easier While They’re on Duty.

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