When will TSC post the successful teacher replacements to the schools?

When will TSC post the successful teacher replacements to the schools?

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) will on February this year start posting to schools a total of 8,707 it recruited recently to replace teachers who exited the Commission through natural attrition.

TSC advertised 5,862 posts for primary schools, 21 posts for junior schools and 2,824 posts for secondary schools in the replacements.

Currently documents verification exercise for the applicants is ongoing in all sub counties.

Applicants are required to present original and legible photocopies of the following, among other relevant documents for verification:-

List of documents required for verification for primary school teachers

1) National identification card;

2) Certificate of Registration as a teacher;

3) Evidence of the completion of Upgrade Diploma in Primary Teacher Education or UDPTE Certificate where applicable.

4) PTE Certificate;

5) KCSE certificates or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one resat exam);

6) KCPE certificate or it’s equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one resat exam);

7) Letter of Certification of results by KNEC (where applicable);

8) Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials;

9) National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);

10) An Affidavit sworn under the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap 15 of the Laws of Kenya to explain the variance in names.

List of documents required for verification for post primary school teachers

a) National identification card;

b) Certificate of Registration as a teacher;

c) Diploma/Degree certificate and official transcripts;

d) KCSE certificates or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re-sat exams);

e) KCPE certificate or its equivalent (include certificates for attempts if one re-sat exams);

f) Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials;

g) National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Card (where applicable);

h) An Affidavit sworn under the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap 15 of the Laws of Kenya to explain the variance in names;

i) Letter of certification of results by KNEC (where applicable).

However serving intern teachers are only required to present their identity cards during the
verification process.

Persons with disabilities shall be required to indicate their disability status together with the nature of disabilities to inform their placement;

After the verification exercise, the TSC Sub-County Director shall compile a Merit List of all applicants whose documents have been verified.

TSC said the Merit Lists shall be made available to members of the public wishing to see them on request in a manner that will not jeopardize the recruitment process and in total adherence to the Data Protection Act, 2019.

In this recruitment TSC has awarded 30 marks to teachers employed by TSC on internship terms.

The Commission has also awarded 5 marks to holders of PTE certificates who upgraded to UDPTE.

The employment of the 8,707 teachers is on a permanent and pensionable (pnp) terms.

The online application portal was activated from 31st December for fourteen days to allow qualified teachers to apply.

In the advert TSC listed three key requirements for those seeking for the slots. One is required to be a Kenyan citizen.

He or she should also hold at least a P1 certificate in the case of primary schools or a diploma in education in the case of junior and secondary schools. One must also be a registered teacher with TSC.

The application for the replacement vacancies was strictly done through the TSC online platform from 31st December 2024 to 13th January 2025.

The Commission said the vacancies arose after teachers exited the teaching service through natural attrition which include retirement, resignation and death.

When will TSC post the successful teacher replacements to the schools?





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